Hey Everybody! Welcome to the home of the grassroots craze sweeping the nation, 24 Hours of NYC. This is basically the project wherein I try to mobilize my friends to give $500 to Catalyst Project, a center for political education and movement building. If they do, I'm going to ride my bike for 24 hours around NYC.
What is Catalyst?
These folks do all sorts of work to develop a meaningful multiracial left. They try to get privileged folks to band together and they build coalitions between the politically powerful and the disenfranchised. They are working to demilitarize our economy, rebuild New Orleans and continue the struggle of the Civil Rights Movement. They team up those who are fighting police brutality, demanding affordable housing and developing the leadership of youth. And ohhh so much more.
Basically, I've learned a lot from these folks over the years. They helped to give my life purpose when I was an angsty teenager depressed about the state of the world. They've helped me to channel some of my frustrations into making change. I owe them a lot, and I believe in what they're doing. I hope this kind of work will be our generation's legacy.
I think it's an important time to support grassroots change. I don't think we can just count on Obama to wave his magic progressive wand and turn America into the Emerald City. We have to continue to nurture the movements in the streets that put pressure on our specious leaders.
Now I'm a gal of modest means, so the thing to do seems to get my friends to chip in a chunk of change along with me to projects like Catalyst. That way in our bunker at the end of the world we can look back as it all burns and say "Welp-- We all did what we could."
I'm calling this approach "putting my mojo where my mouth is." We all have something to give. I have insomnia, a fast bike, a taste for danger and amazingly cool and generous friends. Join me and put your mojo where your mouth is too!
For more info check out the Catalyst Project Website!
What is 24 Hours of NYC?
Well basically, it's me and my bike and whoever comes with me and whatever adventures we encounter on the way, riding around the five boroughs of NYC for 24 hours straight on August 29, 2009. I'm asking folks to sponsor me for $20 or more. That way, I have a a little over a month to find the 30 people I need to donate $20 each for a total of $500!!!
I have some money and I believe in stuff, how can I sponsor this intrepid endeavor?
Well, you can click the donate button on the right hand corner right now. Or, if you're in NYC, you can email me your address and I will come pick up your donation in person on August 29th, during the ride.
What are some other random things I can do to be a part of this magical event?
I was up all night two nights ago making this list, so even if you're not going to do any of these things, I hope you folks can really appreciate my vision here...
- Ride with me for part or all of the ride
- Invite me and my crew to your house for a pit stop and offer us snacks
- Tell your friends to sponsor me
- Invite me and my crew to your house or your music show and do some kind of performance for us during the ride
- Offer suggestions of good sites to visit on the ride
- Follow me on Twitter during the ride and participate in spontaneous happenings that we may or may not cultivate
- Take pictures or video of us for documentation purposes
- Post an encouraging comment here
- Think of ridiculous ways to enlist your friends to do other preposterous things for the sake of humanity. Be sure to keep me posted.